+1 Movement Night at Webster Co. HS


It’s not impossible because it’s what we are created to do ON Purpose!


We had a great turnout even though the afternoon was filled with thunderstorms and tornadoes. It was great to see many from Webster, Union , and Henderson Co. Great music by Redeem ‘D on the WCHS basketball court. The same court I spent countless hours as a high school student-athlete trying to develop my game.

I am now trying daily to develop into who God has created me to be as a follower of His. I expressed to the crowd that until we come to realize that our priority in all things is to bring God glory, then we will always be searching for something more in this life.

So commit to His guidance, be intentional, love people where they are, read the Word, pray, and don’t let the world tell you that all of this is impossible. It’s not impossible because it’s what we are created to do ON Purpose!!

Never discount the power that you have to help influence some+one’s life…

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May people see us and want what we have in our hearts…+1


Whether it is sending out a daily message or forwarding on the message as 100s of you do, don’t discount the impact you can have on some+one else’s life. My friend, Haley Fuqua, is a great example of this in how she is influencing her world by Living ON Purpose for her +1 in all that she does. I recently met this 10 year old young lady in Evansville and wanted to share with you what she wrote to me. Letters and emails like this remind me that people are watching us. So when they see us may they want what we have in our hearts and have a +1 mentality like Haley and her mother Stephanie. I greatly appreciate their commitment to intentionally living for Christ daily. They want to leave their mark on the world and I hope you do as well. Start right now by asking God what it is He wants you to do to Live ON Purpose for Him!

Middle Tennessee Men’s Basketball


Living ON Purpose is about embracing responsibility and wanting to do your best daily….


Enjoyed another weekend speaking about Live ON Purpose to the players and staff at Middle Tennessee. After the last couple of years of great success, I stressed to them to embrace expectations and look forward to the future. In order to do that they have to make winning who they are not just something that they did. I believe this staff and the collection of young men that they have assembled are ready to do what it takes to be a winner in Conference USA!

Special thanks to Coach Kermit Davis for allowing me to speak with his team as he and his staff invest in their future to Live ON Purpose!



Our legacies are built daily….


It’s a Number! Doing three funerals for friends at ages 33,50, and 64 this year has reminded me of how precious life is. Time will not wait on any of us. The important part of growing older is to remind ourselves daily that what we do matters. Whether we are 14, 40, or 94 our legacies are now. Our legacies are about what’s now and not what’s next. By taking care of what’s now, we can continually plan for what’s next.

So let’s live intentionally for God by caring, serving, loving, and giving more than others think is possible. By doing so and loving the Lord as our Savior what we do now will echo throughout eternity…Live ON Purpose!

Arkansas St. Men’s Basketball


Don’t just get by and be average. Have the courage to do more than what’s expected in life…Live ON Purpose!


Enjoyed my time with Coach Brady and his team. This stop along the way has a special place in my heart because it was Coach Brady that gave me my opportunity to play college basketball at Samford University. In 1992 he offered me a scholarship just a few days before classes started and the rest is history. My life was better because of it and I hope his has been as well. He touched on this with his team that life and sports are about relationships. How that many years ago who would have ever thought that he would coach me and now I am back helping his team to Live ON Purpose!

I thank him for investing in his team and in me over the years. His ability to push me out of my comfort zone helped me, not only physically, but also mentally. My approach to basketball, business, parenting, and life he has played a role in. Not because of anything that he has said to me personally since being on his team, but what he taught me many years ago. That you have to give to get, to not mistake kindness for weakness, and preparation is everything.

The lesson in all of this is to never discount the power that you have to influence someone’s life. Most of the time our influence is not seen instantly as much as it is seen over a long period of time. That should motivate us not to take our lives or relationships for granted. They matter. You matter. We matter. Most importantly God matters. Live ON Purpose!

Ole Miss Men’s Basketball


Make commitments in life who you are not just something you do…


Enjoyed my time with the Ole Miss Rebels on Saturday. Reminded them to make commitments in life a part of who they are not just something they do. Told them to be intentional, embrace expectations, be an “ambassador” for Christ, and to Live ON Purpose!

Thanks to Andy Kennedy for caring about his players enough to invest in them to be better young men and to Live On Purpose!

The Journey…

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Whether young or old you building a part of your legacy daily….


We are all on this journey called life. Whether young or old, we are building our legacies daily. So don’t wait for a bump in the road or a sharp curve to remind you to focus on what matters most in this life. You matter, your life matters, and Your Creator has a plan and a purpose for your life. Don’t be about “I wish”, “if only”, or “I could have”. Be about “I will”, “I did”, and “I can”.

REMEMBER: You will never be all you intended to be if you are not committed to all God created you to be!

Live ON Purpose!

+1 Encounter….


Sometimes we think we are going to help change some+one’s life and they end up changing ours…


As we go through life God allows us the privilege to have many relationships. In my life, I have been blessed to have many because of sports, business, church, and growing up in rural America. Almost three years ago I encountered some+one that I met with over lunch to “help”. My arrogance got the best of me because that some+one “helped” me. That some+one was Todd Satterfield.

From our first discussion about discipline, yes I remember the very first thing that we discussed at Applebee’s. We both agreed that people want and need discipline. We both agreed that we are not the busiest generation but the most distracted and undisciplined generation. By focusing in on removing these distractions, we then allow ourselves to be what God created us to be: compassionate, loving, giving, and obedient.

What I learned from our first conversation and the hundreds that followed was that our +1 encounters are as much for us as they are for the some+one that we are trying to “help”. I learned that the world will tell us that we can’t possibly Live ON Purpose! daily, but I believe that with God’s help we can.

So I am thankful that our paths crossed that day. I am thankful that I saw the epitome of dignity, character, loyalty, and commitment to the Lord to his last breath as he battled cancer. Some have questioned what is this celebration of a person’s life all about in such a tragedy. To that I say the celebration is that Todd Satterfield’s life IN Christ touched thousands and all we are trying to do is touch +1 daily.

Two months ago today about this time he left us physically, but I can promise you his legacy lives on through those of us he touched daily. His legacy lives because he got “it”: There is a testimony in the faith that you live with, but more importantly the faith that you die with…Eternity ON Purpose!

Miss my friend…ON Purpose!

THE NEW WEBSITE: liveonpurpose.us


Let’s spread the Live ON Purpose message and help some+one!

Live ON Purpose!™

After many weeks of planning, discussing, and praying the website is ready! We really want you to be a vital part of advancing the Live ON Purpose! message to the world! Also helping us to book speaking engagements and plan +1 Movement events around the country. Please take time to go to liveonpurpose.us and see what has been developed to help us spread the message.

One of the really neat features is the interactive map that is found on the site. Please click “add yourself” and type in your name and zip code if you get the message by phone, email, or read on Facebook/Twitter. This will allow us to see where the message is reaching around the world. If you pass the daily Live ON Purpose message on to others please send them this address and tell them about the map so that they can add their information. Let’s see how fast we can get this to all 50 states and around the world!

You will see and can subscribe to the blogs that I will be posting from time to time about the movement, life, and just some of my thoughts. You will also have the ability to order items from the store(more details on that in the coming weeks). We have many more additions to come to the site and would really enjoy your feedback.

So please text this link to your list, share on Facebook, or retweet on Twitter…help some+one today!

Live ON Purpose!

Intentional Living…


Be intentional with your daily activities…


To Live ON Purpose we must be intentional in how we go about our daily activities. So let’s love our wives enough to tell them the truth, let’s love our children enough to hold them accountable, let’s love our neighbors enough to help, let’s love our community enough to give, let’s love our parents enough to call, let’s love our life enough to live and not just exist, and let’s love our family enough to laugh…